First, we established — FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LEGAL HISTORY — that political cronyism is a valid basis for a claim of arbitrary-and-capricious agency action under the Administrative Procedure Act. See Case One, 118 F. Supp. 3d 38, 78–79 (D.D.C. 2015). Second, we prevailed in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on our appeal of the district court’s ruling that an agency may escape judicial review of its action by requesting a voluntary remand but refusing to reconsider its initial denial of an application. See Case Two, 857 F.3d 379 (D.C. Cir. 2017). The D.C. Circuit agreed with us that an agency may only seek a remand if it promises to reconsider its initial decision. It is because of that victory that DOE is now reconsidering the ATVM application under Federal Court order and we are using GAO, FBI and Congressional oversight offices to assure effective ethics and transparency. Third, we placed, on permanent public record, one of the most detailed documentation sets, ever assembled, about how modern political "Dark Money" conduits operate. This prevents the use of those kinds of criminal efforts, in the future, by exposing the tactics to the public. Fourth, Our Team engaged in the interdiction and termination of corrupt agency executives, contractors and their financiers. Fifth, and most important, we put every corrupt political scheme on notice that they WILL be found out and interdicted!